# # Sample configuration file for phpxref v0.6 # # Be sure to read the README.html file for information # on using PHPXref # The base directory containing all of your PHP code to be indexed # This could just be a directory containing symlinks to the real directories #SOURCE=C:\webserver\sites\www.myhost.com\htdocs SOURCE=xaraya-1.1.2/html # The directory in which you'd like the output to be written #OUTPUT=C:\phpxref\output OUTPUT=output # Project name; something short PROJECT=Xaraya 1.1.2 # Cookie key - If you have multiple phpxref projects on the same server # (or on your local machine) then things like the search history will # benefit from having a different key here for each project # It can be any short string; as long as it's unique COOKIE=xaraya # Name of the HTML file to prepend to the output HEADERFILE=sample_header.html # Name of the HTML file to append to the output FOOTERFILE=sample_footer.html # Names of the stylesheets to copy into the output tree STYLEFILE=sample.css PRINTSTYLEFILE=sample-print.css # Character set to specify for generated HTML CHARSET=iso-8859-1 # Directories, relative to SOURCE, to search for files that have been # require()'d or include()'d # ie. works in a similar way to PHP's php_include_path variable INCLUDEPATH=.:/includes:/ # Filenames beginning with a period will be ignored if this is set NO_HIDDEN=1 # File extension to use on output pages EXTENSION=html # Set to 1 and install the IO::Zlib perl module to compress all output # pages. Requires a correctly configured web server to serve the # resulting files. COMPRESS=1 # Set to 1 to link email and web addresses in the summary pages # This is potentially a cross-site-scripting (XSS) security hole # if you're running phpxref on untrusted source code LINK_URI=1 # Set to 1 to have links in the file explorer open the # PHP source page, rather than the summary page EXPLORE_SOURCE=0 # Cross-reference all mentions of source filenames, not just # those in require/include statements # If you find this is too aggressive/verbose, try turning it off FULLXREF=1 # File containing a list of PHP functions, one per line FUNCTIONLIST=php4_functionlist.txt # Set this to 0 to enable "traditional" style function comments # (ie. those that begin with '////' used with old versions of # phpxref) NO_TRAD_DOC = 1 # Don't index files listed in these directories # You can have multiple BAD_DIRNAME entries if necessary BAD_DIRNAME=CVS BAD_DIRNAME=SCCS BAD_DIRNAME=.svn BAD_DIRNAME=.DS_Store # Don't index files matching this whole path #BAD_PATHNAME=/manual/index.php # Ignore files with this filename. Multiple entries are allowed #BAD_FILENAME=local.inc # Ignore files with this extension. Multiple entries are allowed BAD_EXT=bz2 BAD_EXT=gz BAD_EXT=zip BAD_EXT=exe BAD_EXT=bin BAD_EXT=dat BAD_EXT=core BAD_EXT=gif BAD_EXT=jpg BAD_EXT=png BAD_EXT=prc BAD_EXT=tgz BAD_EXT=ico # If you'd rather specify which extensions to *include*, instead of # which to *exclude* (via bad_ext above) then use GOOD_EXT instead: # GOOD_EXT=php # GOOD_EXT=phtml # Specify which tags you wish to show up along with function/class # descriptions # use multiple DOC_TAG entries if you wish to list more than one tag DOC_TAG=author DOC_TAG=param DOC_TAG=return DOC_TAG=returns # Specify which tags you wish to show up for file descriptions # in the file summary page DOC_FILE_TAG=author DOC_FILE_TAG=license DOC_FILE_TAG=copyright DOC_FILE_TAG=version # Configuration options to let phpxref obtain information about SQL tables # referenced in your comments. Note this only works with MySQL for the moment # Change this to YES to enable this feature # NOTE - This will not work on Windows if you're using the .exe version of PHPXref DB_USE=NO DB_HOST=localhost DB_PORT=3306 DB_NAME=mydb DB_USER=dbuser DB_PASS=dbpassword # If the code you are trying to cross reference uses constants or # variable names when require()ing or include()ing other PHP files # then you can tell phpxref what those constants/variables should # be set to here # Failing to set this will just cause links between different files # to be missed in situations such as require(HORDE_TEMPLATES.'something.inc') # # to set $templates='foo' just do templates='foo' below. HORDE_BASE=/ HORDE_TEMPLATES=templates/